Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007

A Basic Guide to Painting Rank-and-file Relictors Space Marines.
By Urza.

- Undercoat with GW Chaos Black Spraypaint.
- Basecoat with a 50:50 mix of GW Chaos Black and GW Codex Grey. Alternatively, use either Tamiya German Grey or Vallejo Model Colour German Grey.
- Use a Pigma Micron .005 fineliner pen to fill in the eyes, vents and flexible joints in the armour (knees, ankles and elbows).
- Highlight the armour plates with GW Codex Grey.
- Next do a very fine highlight on the armour armour with GW Fortress Grey.
- Paint Shoulderpads and kneepads with GW Chaos Black.
- Use GW Goblin Green for the eye lenses.
- Finish off the weapons with GW Chaos Black and GW Boltgun Metal.
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